Really, I have more productive things to say, but for now...
Tom: lol. just ran your name through and got "a genus of Old World mints." congrats.
Me: *bursts out laaaughing* seriously?? oh wowwww...
Tom: no way could i make that up
Me: never tried running names thru, that must be amusing *g*
Me: hehehe true
Me: wowwww
Me: ..see, really, tho, that's odd, cos one of the name-books we have at home someplace said my name came from some obscure greek myth that relates to bees or honey or something (it means "honey bee" 8giggles, shrugs*), I'd've thought that would've come up...
Me: but I'm a mint. wow. *G*
Tom: yeah you aperently told humans how to use honey. (trillian has a built in dictionary so when you cursor over certen words it tells you the definition of it.)
Me: oooo.. that's actually kinda cool *g* sweet~
Me: *feels special*
Me: *rahter, is special, having a boy who's geeky and sweet enough to look that up* :-)
*Ananda Daydream * 1:55 AM *
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