ICanHazCheezburger.com has officially eaten my soul. I admit, LOLcats crack me the hell up, and this site has the best ones.
Cute freaking kittens and Schroedinger jokes abound. You just can't beat that.
As you can see, despite the new addiction, my NaNoNovel is progressing ridiculously well. I'm nearly a day ahead on the word count, and I'm actually at the brink of the main thing of the story! woooo! (Hey, that's better than I did, oh, what, two out of the four prior years?) The laptop is helping IMMENSELY. My computer desk is really not comfy to sit at for any length of time, and it's just not a nice writing environment down there in the lonely dark. I can type all through my dinner break at work, then come home and nest in my nice warm bed and type away for hours and hours. It's been a very good thing.
...I wonder why I came over here--- OH that's right, to update my sidebar. ha. My attention span=nill after 1,667-ish words. I need to not stay up as late as Tom does again, I'm pooped. Things at work definitely slowed down after Halloween, but it's been downright busy in the afternoons, with Christmas shoppers starting in on us. I've spent the better part of the last two days unpacking and re-organizing ornaments, which is one of the biggest pains in the butt about setting up for Christmas. The grown-ups are dealing with all the big stuff, rearranging aisles and making new displays, Bruce is really determined to get a nice setup this year, to really show off all the pretty gifts we have. I was able to do a liiiittle bit of that Saturday night, but after that, ornaments. Which I really don't mind doing, I'm good at keeping 46389203473892 random items inventoried in my head, so I know what I've seen and where I put it. But I'm reeaally getting tired of the sports and occupations ornaments. Do we REALLY need to stock three different kinds of lacrosse player ornaments? OH WAIT we've only done like thirty different kinds of snowmen, there's another 74893982830 to go.
On the bright side, one of the kids who used to drive us all bonkers has magically transformed in the last couple of months into a capable, responsible, worker.
Unfortunately, she did this just in time for one of the newest girls to turn out to be a complete space-case. (So much so that the first girl gave me a horrified expression when I told her I'd called dibs on working downstairs tonight, and she realized she'd be stuck working alone with the second girl. I took pity on her and swapped for a bit of the night.)