Leaving tomorrow (Sunday) morning for an almost-week trip to North Carolina to visit Tom's grandma. Will be a nice break. :) Only, as always, the traveling's a bit complicated... The bus schedule hadn't changed in three years, and it changed like a month ago. x_x; So Mom's being amazingly awesome and picking us up here and taking us to the Buffalo airport.. then we fly to JFK, where we'll meet up with Tom's dad, and drive down to NC. Either Friday or Saturday (I asked Tom yesterday, he still couldn't give me a definite answer e_e; ) we're driving back up to Fredonia and swinging up to Buffalo to pick up Tom's mother. Both his parents will stay with us a couple days, as Tom's birthday is that Sunday (the 20th).
He has an interview at WalMart Monday morning, and I head back to work Tuesday. Going to be rather busy around here, heh...
It'll be a nice lil vacation this week though, and... well, really, I was nervous to begin with about meeting his grandma (just in general), but today he started warning me that she sometimes asks rather unsettling and surprising questions, and... and idek. I'm scary now. ^^;;
So, having found a link I-don't-even-remember-where last night, I randomly decided to make a pet over on
GoPets. Not nearly so diverse in the pet-area as, say, NeoPets, but also much smaller, and a bit more interactive. A little like Gaea in ways, actually. Anyway, it's amused me for the better part of today. I have a little blue kitty named Karina and she's a cuteness. She was pouncing on a balloon and it kiiiillled me. (Tom and Haruna were laughing at me, but, it makes me happy, hee.) I was playing with that quite awhile today. :)
So I get home from work tonight, and what is on my back porch but a kitty! ^_____________^ A little calico I'd never seen before, who darted off before I could pet her (given that I was pushing my bike up the back steps, I don't blame her, heh)... but then was back later on when I went to look outside. She let me pet her this time, not terribly skittish, just normally cautious. Fairly young, I think, and no collar at all (though that's not uncommon, ours never did). No idea where she came from, there aren't supposed to be pets in these apartments, though I have seen an older woman tending gardens outside with her cat on a leash. (No cat I have ever known would allow that, omfg.) I pet her a few minutes, she kept wandering around and flattening herself beneath the little railing to peer over into the little garden-space between our upper porch and the neighbor's. She was a cute. She made my night. :)
Tom just poked his head downstairs.
Tom: "You know that file that, when Windows has an error, it writes the information to?"
Melissa: "Yeah."
Tom: "I just found mine, and tried to open it in Notepad. It said it was too big."
Melissa: "I've written stories that were too big for it, yeah."
Tom: "Right, so I didn't think much of it. But it *did* make me check the filesize."
Melissa: "Oh?"
Tom: "...it's a gig and a half."
Melissa: *doubles over laughing and cannot stop*
(Tom: "I made the mistake of trying to open it in Word..."
Melissa: "And?"
Tom: "And it's *opening* in Word."
Melissa: "Ahh, so that's why you're down here...")